Mystery Cushion 2011

I recieved my mystery cushion parcel at the beginning of June and it has an interesting mix of colours. All the yarn is from Rowan, most of it is Belle by Amy Butler Organic Wool Cotton DK. All the previous mystery blankets I have knitted, I have given away as gifts but this cushion is a keepeer. As soon as I finished the  first square I knew I had to keep it. The swiss darning has yet to be sewn on the first square but it still looks good. Debbie Abrahams is such a great designer. I would never have thought to put those colours together. I am also knitting this years Mystery Blanket but have only knitted the first square. My plan is to stay on top of the cushion squares and then knit as many of the blanket squares as possible before the new Rowan magazine is realeased. Hopefully I’ll be up to date by then. Unlikely but as ever optomistic

Yarn Package for mystery cushion 2011


The Big Knit 2011 begins

Worldwide Knitting in Public Day, Sat 11th June, marked the official woolly launch of this year’s innocent Big Knit and they need your help.
They want to raise £160k this year for Age UK by knitting 650,000 little hats which will go on Innocent smoothie bottles and be sold in stores in November. For every little hat knitted, they’ll give 25p to Age UK to help them make winter a little warmer for older people across the UK.  They need your help to reach this huge target – they have 3 different patterns to start you off and there will be lots more going up on our website very soon.  You can find the patterns by searching innocent’s Big Knit on ravlery and the pdfs will also be going up on the website next week
Every hat counts- so why not get together with your Knitting chums and make a few hats for innocent’s Big Knit?

I’ve knitted these previous years and they don’t take long and are great for using up the smallest scraps of yarn.